

Just wanted to let you guys know that I won’t be doing a photo a day challenge this month since I’ll be participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). If you’re interested, all the details are here. It’s fun and exciting and can really help you get started and/or finished writing your novel. There’s still time to join up! Why not? I’ll be writing pretty much every minute I can. You can follow my progress if you like with the nifty meter over on the right.

I’ll still participate in the weekly prompt over at on Thursdays. And may join in the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge when I need a break from writing. 😉

Happy writing to all my fellow NaNo-ers, and photo fun to all you happy snappers!

Becca ♥

2 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo!

  1. Becca, it always irks me that I don’t have a cover photo to put on my novel profile. Maybe we could use the photo challenges to find pictures that apply to what we are writing as a way to take a break while stimulating our imaginations.

Let me know what you think!! I'll wait. ;)